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dev-setup Basic Setup Basic Setup


A unix-like environment with the following base packages installed:

  • Git
  • Python 3
  • pip
  • wget
  • devicetree compiler
  • CMake
  • dfu-util
  • Various build essentials, e.g. gcc, automake, autoconf


On Debian and Ubuntu, this can be accomplished with:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y \
    git \
    wget \
    autoconf \
	automake \
	build-essential \
	ccache \
	device-tree-compiler \
	dfu-util \
	g++ \
	gcc \
	gcc-multilib \
	libtool \
	make \
    ninja-build \
    cmake \
	python3-dev \
	python3-pip \
	python3-setuptools \






Windows Subsystem for Linux can use various Linux distributions. Find a WSL installation on the Windows Store.

After installing your preferred flavor, follow the directions above on Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora.

:::note On WSL2 don't put the project files into /mnt/c/ as file I/O speeds are extremely slow. Instead, run everything in the Linux system and use cp to move files over to /mnt/c/ as needed. :::


West Build Command

west is the Zephyr™ meta-tool used to configure and build Zephyr™ applications. It can be installed by using the pip python package manager:

pip3 install --user west

:::note If you don't already have it configured, you may need to update your PATH to include the pip install path. See User Installs and Stack Overflow for more details. :::

Zephyr™ ARM SDK

To build firmwares for the ARM architecture (all supported MCUs/keyboards at this point), you'll need to install the Zephyr™ ARM SDK to your system:

export ZSDK_VERSION=0.11.2
wget -q "${ZSDK_VERSION}/zephyr-toolchain-arm-${ZSDK_VERSION}" && \
	sh "zephyr-toolchain-arm-${ZSDK_VERSION}" --quiet -- -d /opt/toolchains/zephyr-sdk-${ZSDK_VERSION} && \
	rm "zephyr-toolchain-arm-${ZSDK_VERSION}"

The installation will prompt with several questions about installation location, and creating a default ~/.zephyrrc for you with various variables. The defaults shouldn normally work as expected.

Source Code

Next, you'll need to clone the ZMK source repository if you haven't already:

git clone

Initialize & Update Zephyr Workspace

Since ZMK is built as a Zephyr™ application, the next step is to use west to initialize and update your workspace. The ZMK Zephyr™ application is in the app/ source directory:

Step into the repository

cd zmk

Initialize West

west init -l app/

Update To Fetch Modules

west update

Export Zephyr™ Core

west zephyr-export

Install Zephyr Python Dependencies

pip3 install --user -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt

Environment Variables

By default, the Zephyr™ SDK will create a file named ~/.zephyrrc with the correct environment variables to build ZMK. We suggest two main options for how to load those settings.

Per Shell

To load the Zephyr environment properly for just one transient shell, run:

source zmk/zephyr/

All Shells

To load the environment variables for your shell every time, append the existing ~/.zephyrrc file to your shell's RC file and then start a new shell.

cat ~/.zephyrrc >> ~/.bashrc
cat ~/.zephyrrc >> ~/.zshrc


Actually building the ZMK firmware occurs within the app/ subdirectory of the ZMK repository. To build for your particular keyboard, the behaviour varies slightly depending on if you are building for a keyboard with an onboard MCU, or one that uses a MCU board addon.

Keyboard (Shield) + MCU Board

ZMK treats keyboards that take a MCU addon board as shields, and treats the smaller MCU board as the true board

Given the following:

  • MCU Board: Proton-C
  • Keyboard PCB: kyria
  • Keymap: default

You can build ZMK with the following:

west build -b proton_c -- -DSHIELD=kyria -DKEYMAP=default

Keyboard With Onboard MCU

Keyboards with onboard MCU chips are simply treated as the board as far as Zephyr™ is concerned.

Given the following:

  • Keyboard: Planck
  • Keymap: default

you can build ZMK with the following:

west build -b planck -- -DKEYMAP=default


Once built, the previously supplied parameters will be remember, so you can simply run the following to flash your board, with it in bootloader mode:

west flash