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troubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting


The following page provides suggestions for common errors that may occur during firmware compilation. If the information provided is insufficient to resolve the issue, feel free to seek out help from the ZMK Discord.

Environment Variables not Defined

An error along the lines of CMake Error at (zmk directory)/zephyr/cmake/generic_toolchain.cmake:64 (include): include could not find load file: during firmware compilation indicates that the Zephyr Environment Variables are not properly defined. For more information, click here.

Improperly defined keymap

An error along the lines of dtlib.DTError: <board>.dts.pre.tmp:<line number> during firmware compilation indicates an issue within the <shield>.keymap file. This can be verified by checking the file in question, found in mkdir/app/build.

Example Error Screen
An example of the dtlib.DTError when compiling an iris with the nice!nano while the keymap is not properly defined

After opening the <board>.dts.pre.tmp:<line number> and scrolling down to the referenced line, one can locate errors within their shield's keymap by checking if the referenced keycodes were properly converted into the correct USB HID Usage ID.

Unhealthy Keymap Temp
An incorrectly defined keymap unable to compile. As shown in red, &kp SPAC is not a valid reference to the USB HID Usage ID used for "Keyboard Spacebar"
Healthy Keymap Temp
A properly defined keymap with successful compilation. As shown in red, the corrected keycode (&kp SPC) references the proper Usage ID defined in the USB HID Usage Tables