feat(docs): Update display config docs

This commit is contained in:
Joel Spadin 2022-04-29 20:46:23 -05:00 committed by Dom H
parent bf84481b47
commit 71b8f9d4ac
1 changed files with 28 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -22,22 +22,39 @@ Definition files:
| `CONFIG_ZMK_WIDGET_OUTPUT_STATUS` | bool | Enable a widget to show the current output (USB/BLE) | y |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_WIDGET_WPM_STATUS` | bool | Enable a widget to show words per minute | n |
If `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY` is enabled, exactly one of the following options must be set to `y`:
If `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY` is enabled, exactly zero or one of the following options must be set to `y`. The first option is used if none are set.
| Config | Description |
| ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_STATUS_SCREEN_BUILT_IN` | Use the built-in status screen |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_STATUS_SCREEN_CUSTOM` | Use a custom status screen |
If `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY` is enabled, exactly zero or one of the following options must be set to `y`. The first option is used if none are set.
| Config | Description |
| ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_WORK_QUEUE_SYSTEM` | Use the system main thread for UI updates |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_WORK_QUEUE_DEDICATED` | Use a dedicated thread for UI updates |
Using a dedicated thread requires more memory but prevents displays with slow updates (e.g. E-paper) from delaying key scanning and other processes. If enabled, the following options configure the thread:
| Config | Type | Description | Default |
| ------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ | ------- |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_STATUS_SCREEN_BUILT_IN` | bool | Use the built-in status screen | y |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_STATUS_SCREEN_CUSTOM` | bool | Use a custom status screen | n |
| ------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ---------------------------- | ------- |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_DEDICATED_THREAD_STACK_SIZE` | int | Stack size for the UI thread | 2048 |
| `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_DEDICATED_THREAD_PRIORITY` | int | Priority for the UI thread | 5 |
You must also configure the Zephyr driver for your display. Here are the Kconfig options for common displays.
You must also configure the driver for your display. ZMK provides the following display drivers:
- [SSD1306](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/reference/kconfig/CONFIG_SSD1306.html)
- [IL0323](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/drivers/display/Kconfig.il0323)
Zephyr provides several display drivers as well. Search for the name of your display in [Zephyr's Kconfig options](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/kconfig.html) documentation.
## Devicetree
See the Zephyr Devicetree bindings for your display. Here are the bindings for common displays:
See the Devicetree bindings for your display. Here are the bindings for common displays:
- [SSD1306 (i2c)](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/reference/devicetree/bindings/solomon,ssd1306fb-i2c.html)
- [SSD1306 (spi)](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/reference/devicetree/bindings/solomon,ssd1306fb-spi.html)
- [IL0323](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/dts/bindings/display/gooddisplay%2Cil0323.yaml)
- [SSD1306 (i2c)](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/build/dts/api/bindings/display/solomon,ssd1306fb-i2c.html)
- [SSD1306 (spi)](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/build/dts/api/bindings/display/solomon,ssd1306fb-spi.html)
A full list of supported drivers can be found in [Zephyr's Devicetree bindings index](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/reference/devicetree/bindings.html).
A full list of drivers provided by Zephyr can be found in [Zephyr's Devicetree bindings index](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/build/dts/api/bindings.html).