Paul Warren b1b5336627 Add 🦆 emoji to enable 'du -cks' alias 2021-04-22 14:35:58 +10:00
config.h fixed a few missed keys, added another layer, fixed bootloadr issues 2020-07-27 20:16:49 +10:00
keymap.c Add 🦆 emoji to enable 'du -cks' alias 2021-04-22 14:35:58 +10:00
readme.md readme udpates 2020-08-07 21:10:22 +10:00
rules.mk move emoji over one key. Adjust position of LGUI and LALT 2020-08-04 20:10:38 +10:00


68Keys.io pwarren's layout

Custom 68Keys.io DIY keyboard.

Keymap Maintainer: pwarren Hardware Supported: mf68 Hardware Availability: DIY Guide

This layout is for my builds of the 68keys.io kit, it's a basic qwerty on 0, with the function keys on layer 1 accessed with right alt, along with media keys and a few others. Layer 2 is for mouse movement and emoji's accessed with right gui / menu.

I also copied the Pro Micro LED for caps lock from the emdarcher layout in the qmk firmware.

Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):

$ > cd qmk_firmware/
$ > make 40percentclub/mf68:68keys

Example of flashing this keyboard:

$ > cd qmk_firmware/
$ > make 40percentclub/mf68:68keys:avrdude

See the build environment setup and the make instructions for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our Complete Newbs Guide.