
14 lines
773 B

This is an _example_ footnote for **code** tables.
- Footnotes are supported per row by each operating system column.
- Footnotes support MDX syntax.
- A footnote's `id` is its filename by convention (i.e. `example`).
- Footnotes must be included and listed in `src/data/footnotes.js` because they're statically compiled.
- Footnotes are assigned within `src/data/hid.js` using `column-id: footnote-id(s)` `K`:`V` pairs (case-sensitive), where:
- `K` is the column's `id`.
- `V` is the footnote's `id`.
- `V` can also be an array of footnote ids (_optional_).
- The footnote system aims to prevent duplication of _sources_ (mdx).
- Footnotes are listed under each table, so try to avoid multiline notes unless it's necessary!
- Footnotes are automatically numbered.