iangus 4039a50ec3
Add Contra shield (#633)
* Add Contra Shield (#1)

* Add bluetooth control layer to contra keymap (#2)

* fix contra keymap issues

* add bluetooth control layer

* clean up contra files

* add contra.conf file

* add missing bracket for default_layer

* update copyright year to 2021

* add contra metadata file

* refactor pro micro overlay for new syntax
2022-01-30 13:48:35 -06:00

46 lines
2 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021 The ZMK Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <behaviors.dtsi>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/bt.h>
#define DEFAULT 0
#define NUM_MODS 1
#define BT_CTRL 2
/ {
keymap {
compatible = "zmk,keymap";
default_layer {
bindings = <
&kp ESC &kp Q &kp W &kp E &kp R &kp T &kp Y &kp U &kp I &kp O &kp P &kp BSPC
&kp TAB &kp A &kp S &kp D &kp F &kp G &kp H &kp J &kp K &kp L &kp SEMI &kp SQT
&kp LSHFT &kp Z &kp X &kp C &kp V &kp B &kp N &kp M &kp COMMA &kp DOT &kp FSLH &kp ENTER
&kp LCTRL &kp LGUI &kp LALT &kp BSLH &to DEFAULT &kp SPACE &trans &to NUM_MODS &kp LEFT &kp RIGHT &kp UP &kp DOWN
num_mods {
bindings = <
&kp GRAVE &kp N1 &kp N2 &kp N3 &kp N4 &kp N5 &kp N6 &kp N7 &kp N8 &kp N9 &kp N0 &kp DEL
&kp TAB &kp F1 &kp F2 &kp F3 &kp F4 &kp F5 &kp F6 &kp MINUS &kp PG_UP &kp LBKT &kp RBKT &kp BSLH
&kp LSHFT &kp F7 &kp F8 &kp F9 &kp F10 &kp F11 &kp F12 &kp EQUAL &kp PG_DN &kp HOME &kp END &kp ENTER
&kp LCTRL &kp LGUI &kp LALT &reset &to DEFAULT &kp SPACE &trans &mo BT_CTRL &kp LEFT &kp RIGHT &kp UP &kp DOWN
bt_control {
bindings = <
&bt BT_CLR &bt BT_SEL 0 &bt BT_SEL 1 &bt BT_SEL 2 &bt BT_SEL 3 &bt BT_SEL 4 &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &bt BT_PRV &bt BT_NXT &trans &trans