
47 lines
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title: Modifiers
sidebar_label: Modifiers
hide_title: true
import OsLegend from "@site/src/components/codes/OsLegend";
import ToastyContainer from "@site/src/components/codes/ToastyContainer";
import Table from "@site/src/components/codes/Table";
<OsLegend />
<ToastyContainer />
## Modifiers
Modifiers are the special keyboard keys: _shift_, _alt_, _control_ & _GUI_.
Modifiers can be used in two forms within ZMK:
- Modifier [Keys](#modifier-keys) → `LEFT_SHIFT`
- Modifier [Functions](#modifier-functions) → `LS(code)`
<Table group="keyboard-modifiers" />
### Modifier Keys
These act like any other key code.
- e.g. `&kp LEFT_GUI` pushes and releases the left GUI key.
### Modifier Functions
Modifier functions add one or more modifiers to a code.
These functions take the form: `XX(code)`
- Modifier functions apply a modifier to a code:
- `&kp LS(A)` = `LEFT_SHIFT`+`A` (a capitalized **A**).
- They can be combined:
- `&kp LC(RA(B))` = `LEFT_CONTROL`+`RIGHT_ALT`+`B`
- Some basic codes already include a modifier function in their definition:
- There are left- and right-handed versions of each modifier (also see table above):
- `LS(x)`, `LC(x)`, `LA(x)`, `LG(x)`, `RS(x)`, `RC(x)`, `RA(x)`, `RG(x)`
- Modified keys can safely be rolled-over. Modifier functions are released when another key is pressed.
- Press `&kp LS(A)`, then press `&kp B`, release `&kp LS(A)` and release `&kp B` results in **Ab**. Only the A is capitalized.