/* * Copyright (c) 2020 The ZMK Contributors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT zmk_behavior_hold_tap #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_DECLARE(zmk, CONFIG_ZMK_LOG_LEVEL); #if DT_NODE_EXISTS(DT_DRV_INST(0)) #define ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_HELD 10 #define ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_CAPTURED_EVENTS 40 // increase if you have keyboard with more keys. #define ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_POSITION_NOT_USED 9999 enum flavor { ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_HOLD_PREFERRED = 0, ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_BALANCED = 1, ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_TAP_PREFERRED = 2, }; struct behavior_hold_tap_behaviors { struct zmk_behavior_binding tap; struct zmk_behavior_binding hold; }; struct behavior_hold_tap_config { int tapping_term_ms; struct behavior_hold_tap_behaviors *behaviors; enum flavor flavor; }; // this data is specific for each hold-tap struct active_hold_tap { int32_t position; // todo: move these params into the config->behaviors->tap and uint32_t param_hold; uint32_t param_tap; int64_t timestamp; bool is_decided; bool is_hold; const struct behavior_hold_tap_config *config; struct k_delayed_work work; bool work_is_cancelled; }; // The undecided hold tap is the hold tap that needs to be decided before // other keypress events can be released. While the undecided_hold_tap is // not NULL, most events are captured in captured_events. // After the hold_tap is decided, it will stay in the active_hold_taps until // its key-up has been processed and the delayed work is cleaned up. struct active_hold_tap *undecided_hold_tap = NULL; struct active_hold_tap active_hold_taps[ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_HELD] = {}; // We capture most position_state_changed events and some modifiers_state_changed events. const struct zmk_event_header *captured_events[ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_CAPTURED_EVENTS] = {}; static int capture_event(const struct zmk_event_header *event) { for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_CAPTURED_EVENTS; i++) { if (captured_events[i] == NULL) { captured_events[i] = event; return 0; } } return -ENOMEM; } static struct position_state_changed *find_captured_keydown_event(uint32_t position) { struct position_state_changed *last_match = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_CAPTURED_EVENTS; i++) { const struct zmk_event_header *eh = captured_events[i]; if (eh == NULL) { return last_match; } if (!is_position_state_changed(eh)) { continue; } struct position_state_changed *position_event = cast_position_state_changed(eh); if (position_event->position == position && position_event->state) { last_match = position_event; } } return last_match; } const struct zmk_listener zmk_listener_behavior_hold_tap; static void release_captured_events() { if (undecided_hold_tap != NULL) { return; } // We use a trick to prevent copying the captured_events array. // // Events for different mod-tap instances are separated by a NULL pointer. // // The first event popped will never be catched by the next active hold-tap // because to start capturing a mod-tap-key-down event must first completely // go through the events queue. // // Example of this release process; // [mt2_down, k1_down, k1_up, mt2_up, null, ...] // ^ // mt2_down position event isn't captured because no hold-tap is active. // mt2_down behavior event is handled, now we have an undecided hold-tap // [null, k1_down, k1_up, mt2_up, null, ...] // ^ // k1_down is captured by the mt2 mod-tap // !note that searches for find_captured_keydown_event by the mt2 behavior will stop at the // first null encountered [mt1_down, null, k1_up, mt2_up, null, ...] // ^ // k1_up event is captured by the new hold-tap: // [k1_down, k1_up, null, mt2_up, null, ...] // ^ // mt2_up event is not captured but causes release of mt2 behavior // [k1_down, k1_up, null, null, null, ...] // now mt2 will start releasing it's own captured positions. for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_CAPTURED_EVENTS; i++) { const struct zmk_event_header *captured_event = captured_events[i]; if (captured_event == NULL) { return; } captured_events[i] = NULL; if (undecided_hold_tap != NULL) { k_msleep(10); } if (is_position_state_changed(captured_event)) { struct position_state_changed *position_event = cast_position_state_changed(captured_event); LOG_DBG("Releasing key position event for position %d %s", position_event->position, (position_event->state ? "pressed" : "released")); } else { struct keycode_state_changed *modifier_event = cast_keycode_state_changed(captured_event); LOG_DBG("Releasing mods changed event 0x%02X %s", modifier_event->keycode, (modifier_event->state ? "pressed" : "released")); } ZMK_EVENT_RAISE_AT(captured_event, behavior_hold_tap); } } static struct active_hold_tap *find_hold_tap(uint32_t position) { for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_HELD; i++) { if (active_hold_taps[i].position == position) { return &active_hold_taps[i]; } } return NULL; } static struct active_hold_tap *store_hold_tap(uint32_t position, uint32_t param_hold, uint32_t param_tap, int64_t timestamp, const struct behavior_hold_tap_config *config) { for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_HELD; i++) { if (active_hold_taps[i].position != ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_POSITION_NOT_USED) { continue; } active_hold_taps[i].position = position; active_hold_taps[i].is_decided = false; active_hold_taps[i].is_hold = false; active_hold_taps[i].config = config; active_hold_taps[i].param_hold = param_hold; active_hold_taps[i].param_tap = param_tap; active_hold_taps[i].timestamp = timestamp; return &active_hold_taps[i]; } return NULL; } static void clear_hold_tap(struct active_hold_tap *hold_tap) { hold_tap->position = ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_POSITION_NOT_USED; hold_tap->is_decided = false; hold_tap->is_hold = false; hold_tap->work_is_cancelled = false; } enum decision_moment { HT_KEY_UP = 0, HT_OTHER_KEY_DOWN = 1, HT_OTHER_KEY_UP = 2, HT_TIMER_EVENT = 3, }; static void decide_balanced(struct active_hold_tap *hold_tap, enum decision_moment event) { switch (event) { case HT_KEY_UP: hold_tap->is_hold = 0; hold_tap->is_decided = true; break; case HT_OTHER_KEY_UP: case HT_TIMER_EVENT: hold_tap->is_hold = 1; hold_tap->is_decided = true; break; default: return; } } static void decide_tap_preferred(struct active_hold_tap *hold_tap, enum decision_moment event) { switch (event) { case HT_KEY_UP: hold_tap->is_hold = 0; hold_tap->is_decided = true; break; case HT_TIMER_EVENT: hold_tap->is_hold = 1; hold_tap->is_decided = true; break; default: return; } } static void decide_hold_preferred(struct active_hold_tap *hold_tap, enum decision_moment event) { switch (event) { case HT_KEY_UP: hold_tap->is_hold = 0; hold_tap->is_decided = true; break; case HT_OTHER_KEY_DOWN: case HT_TIMER_EVENT: hold_tap->is_hold = 1; hold_tap->is_decided = true; break; default: return; } } static inline char *flavor_str(enum flavor flavor) { switch (flavor) { case ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_HOLD_PREFERRED: return "hold-preferred"; case ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_BALANCED: return "balanced"; case ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_TAP_PREFERRED: return "tap-preferred"; } return "UNKNOWN FLAVOR"; } static void decide_hold_tap(struct active_hold_tap *hold_tap, enum decision_moment event_type) { if (hold_tap->is_decided) { return; } if (hold_tap != undecided_hold_tap) { LOG_DBG("ERROR found undecided tap hold that is not the active tap hold"); return; } switch (hold_tap->config->flavor) { case ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_HOLD_PREFERRED: decide_hold_preferred(hold_tap, event_type); case ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_BALANCED: decide_balanced(hold_tap, event_type); case ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_FLAVOR_TAP_PREFERRED: decide_tap_preferred(hold_tap, event_type); } if (!hold_tap->is_decided) { return; } LOG_DBG("%d decided %s (%s event %d)", hold_tap->position, hold_tap->is_hold ? "hold" : "tap", flavor_str(hold_tap->config->flavor), event_type); undecided_hold_tap = NULL; struct zmk_behavior_binding_event event = { .position = hold_tap->position, .timestamp = hold_tap->timestamp, }; struct zmk_behavior_binding binding; if (hold_tap->is_hold) { binding.behavior_dev = hold_tap->config->behaviors->hold.behavior_dev; binding.param1 = hold_tap->param_hold; binding.param2 = 0; } else { binding.behavior_dev = hold_tap->config->behaviors->tap.behavior_dev; binding.param1 = hold_tap->param_tap; binding.param2 = 0; } behavior_keymap_binding_pressed(&binding, event); release_captured_events(); } static int on_hold_tap_binding_pressed(struct zmk_behavior_binding *binding, struct zmk_behavior_binding_event event) { const struct device *dev = device_get_binding(binding->behavior_dev); const struct behavior_hold_tap_config *cfg = dev->config; if (undecided_hold_tap != NULL) { LOG_DBG("ERROR another hold-tap behavior is undecided."); // if this happens, make sure the behavior events occur AFTER other position events. return 0; } struct active_hold_tap *hold_tap = store_hold_tap(event.position, binding->param1, binding->param2, event.timestamp, cfg); if (hold_tap == NULL) { LOG_ERR("unable to store hold-tap info, did you press more than %d hold-taps?", ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_HELD); return 0; } LOG_DBG("%d new undecided hold_tap", event.position); undecided_hold_tap = hold_tap; // if this behavior was queued we have to adjust the timer to only // wait for the remaining time. int32_t tapping_term_ms_left = (hold_tap->timestamp + cfg->tapping_term_ms) - k_uptime_get(); if (tapping_term_ms_left > 0) { k_delayed_work_submit(&hold_tap->work, K_MSEC(tapping_term_ms_left)); } return 0; } static int on_hold_tap_binding_released(struct zmk_behavior_binding *binding, struct zmk_behavior_binding_event event) { struct active_hold_tap *hold_tap = find_hold_tap(event.position); if (hold_tap == NULL) { LOG_ERR("ACTIVE_HOLD_TAP_CLEANED_UP_TOO_EARLY"); return 0; } // If these events were queued, the timer event may be queued too late or not at all. // We insert a timer event before the TH_KEY_UP event to verify. int work_cancel_result = k_delayed_work_cancel(&hold_tap->work); if (event.timestamp > (hold_tap->timestamp + hold_tap->config->tapping_term_ms)) { decide_hold_tap(hold_tap, HT_TIMER_EVENT); } decide_hold_tap(hold_tap, HT_KEY_UP); // todo: set up the binding and data items inside of the active_hold_tap struct struct zmk_behavior_binding_event sub_behavior_data = { .position = hold_tap->position, .timestamp = hold_tap->timestamp, }; struct zmk_behavior_binding sub_behavior_binding; if (hold_tap->is_hold) { sub_behavior_binding.behavior_dev = hold_tap->config->behaviors->hold.behavior_dev; sub_behavior_binding.param1 = hold_tap->param_hold; sub_behavior_binding.param2 = 0; } else { sub_behavior_binding.behavior_dev = hold_tap->config->behaviors->tap.behavior_dev; sub_behavior_binding.param1 = hold_tap->param_tap; sub_behavior_binding.param2 = 0; } behavior_keymap_binding_released(&sub_behavior_binding, sub_behavior_data); if (work_cancel_result == -EINPROGRESS) { // let the timer handler clean up // if we'd clear now, the timer may call back for an uninitialized active_hold_tap. LOG_DBG("%d hold-tap timer work in event queue", event.position); hold_tap->work_is_cancelled = true; } else { LOG_DBG("%d cleaning up hold-tap", event.position); clear_hold_tap(hold_tap); } return 0; } static const struct behavior_driver_api behavior_hold_tap_driver_api = { .binding_pressed = on_hold_tap_binding_pressed, .binding_released = on_hold_tap_binding_released, }; static int position_state_changed_listener(const struct zmk_event_header *eh) { struct position_state_changed *ev = cast_position_state_changed(eh); if (undecided_hold_tap == NULL) { LOG_DBG("%d bubble (no undecided hold_tap active)", ev->position); return 0; } if (undecided_hold_tap->position == ev->position) { if (ev->state) { // keydown LOG_ERR("hold-tap listener should be called before before most other listeners!"); return 0; } else { // keyup LOG_DBG("%d bubble undecided hold-tap keyrelease event", undecided_hold_tap->position); return 0; } } // If these events were queued, the timer event may be queued too late or not at all. // We make a timer decision before the other key events are handled if the timer would // have run out. if (ev->timestamp > (undecided_hold_tap->timestamp + undecided_hold_tap->config->tapping_term_ms)) { decide_hold_tap(undecided_hold_tap, HT_TIMER_EVENT); } if (!ev->state && find_captured_keydown_event(ev->position) == NULL) { // no keydown event has been captured, let it bubble. // we'll catch modifiers later in modifier_state_changed_listener LOG_DBG("%d bubbling %d %s event", undecided_hold_tap->position, ev->position, ev->state ? "down" : "up"); return 0; } LOG_DBG("%d capturing %d %s event", undecided_hold_tap->position, ev->position, ev->state ? "down" : "up"); capture_event(eh); decide_hold_tap(undecided_hold_tap, ev->state ? HT_OTHER_KEY_DOWN : HT_OTHER_KEY_UP); return ZMK_EV_EVENT_CAPTURED; } static inline bool only_mods(struct keycode_state_changed *ev) { return ev->usage_page == HID_USAGE_KEY && ev->keycode >= HID_USAGE_KEY_KEYBOARD_LEFTCONTROL && ev->keycode <= HID_USAGE_KEY_KEYBOARD_RIGHT_GUI; } static int keycode_state_changed_listener(const struct zmk_event_header *eh) { // we want to catch layer-up events too... how? struct keycode_state_changed *ev = cast_keycode_state_changed(eh); if (undecided_hold_tap == NULL) { // LOG_DBG("0x%02X bubble (no undecided hold_tap active)", ev->keycode); return 0; } if (!only_mods(ev)) { // LOG_DBG("0x%02X bubble (not a mod)", ev->keycode); return 0; } // only key-up events will bubble through position_state_changed_listener // if a undecided_hold_tap is active. LOG_DBG("%d capturing 0x%02X %s event", undecided_hold_tap->position, ev->keycode, ev->state ? "down" : "up"); capture_event(eh); return ZMK_EV_EVENT_CAPTURED; } int behavior_hold_tap_listener(const struct zmk_event_header *eh) { if (is_position_state_changed(eh)) { return position_state_changed_listener(eh); } else if (is_keycode_state_changed(eh)) { return keycode_state_changed_listener(eh); } return 0; } ZMK_LISTENER(behavior_hold_tap, behavior_hold_tap_listener); ZMK_SUBSCRIPTION(behavior_hold_tap, position_state_changed); // this should be modifiers_state_changed, but unfrotunately that's not implemented yet. ZMK_SUBSCRIPTION(behavior_hold_tap, keycode_state_changed); void behavior_hold_tap_timer_work_handler(struct k_work *item) { struct active_hold_tap *hold_tap = CONTAINER_OF(item, struct active_hold_tap, work); if (hold_tap->work_is_cancelled) { clear_hold_tap(hold_tap); } else { decide_hold_tap(hold_tap, HT_TIMER_EVENT); } } static int behavior_hold_tap_init(const struct device *dev) { static bool init_first_run = true; if (init_first_run) { for (int i = 0; i < ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_MAX_HELD; i++) { k_delayed_work_init(&active_hold_taps[i].work, behavior_hold_tap_timer_work_handler); active_hold_taps[i].position = ZMK_BHV_HOLD_TAP_POSITION_NOT_USED; } } init_first_run = false; return 0; } struct behavior_hold_tap_data {}; static struct behavior_hold_tap_data behavior_hold_tap_data; /* todo: get rid of unused param1 and param2. */ #define _TRANSFORM_ENTRY(idx, node) \ { \ .behavior_dev = DT_LABEL(DT_INST_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node, bindings, idx)), \ .param1 = COND_CODE_0(DT_INST_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node, bindings, idx, param1), (0), \ (DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(node, bindings, idx, param1))), \ .param2 = COND_CODE_0(DT_INST_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node, bindings, idx, param2), (0), \ (DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(node, bindings, idx, param2))), \ }, #define KP_INST(n) \ static struct behavior_hold_tap_behaviors behavior_hold_tap_behaviors_##n = { \ .hold = _TRANSFORM_ENTRY(0, n).tap = _TRANSFORM_ENTRY(1, n)}; \ static struct behavior_hold_tap_config behavior_hold_tap_config_##n = { \ .behaviors = &behavior_hold_tap_behaviors_##n, \ .tapping_term_ms = DT_INST_PROP(n, tapping_term_ms), \ .flavor = DT_ENUM_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(n), flavor), \ }; \ DEVICE_AND_API_INIT(behavior_hold_tap_##n, DT_INST_LABEL(n), behavior_hold_tap_init, \ &behavior_hold_tap_data, &behavior_hold_tap_config_##n, APPLICATION, \ CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, &behavior_hold_tap_driver_api); DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(KP_INST) #endif