--- title: Display Configuration sidebar_label: Displays --- See the [displays feature page](../features/displays.md) for more details. See [Configuration Overview](index.md) for instructions on how to change these settings. ## Kconfig Definition files: - [zmk/app/src/display/Kconfig](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/src/display/Kconfig) - [zmk/app/src/display/widgets/Kconfig](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/src/display/widgets/Kconfig) | Config | Type | Description | Default | | -------------------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY` | bool | Enable support for displays | n | | `CONFIG_ZMK_WIDGET_LAYER_STATUS` | bool | Enable a widget to show the highest, active layer | y | | `CONFIG_ZMK_WIDGET_BATTERY_STATUS` | bool | Enable a widget to show battery charge information | y | | `CONFIG_ZMK_WIDGET_BATTERY_STATUS_SHOW_PERCENTAGE` | bool | If battery widget is enabled, show percentage instead of icons | n | | `CONFIG_ZMK_WIDGET_OUTPUT_STATUS` | bool | Enable a widget to show the current output (USB/BLE) | y | | `CONFIG_ZMK_WIDGET_WPM_STATUS` | bool | Enable a widget to show words per minute | n | If `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY` is enabled, exactly zero or one of the following options must be set to `y`. The first option is used if none are set. | Config | Description | | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | | `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_STATUS_SCREEN_BUILT_IN` | Use the built-in status screen | | `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_STATUS_SCREEN_CUSTOM` | Use a custom status screen | If `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY` is enabled, exactly zero or one of the following options must be set to `y`. The first option is used if none are set. | Config | Description | | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_WORK_QUEUE_SYSTEM` | Use the system main thread for UI updates | | `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_WORK_QUEUE_DEDICATED` | Use a dedicated thread for UI updates | Using a dedicated thread requires more memory but prevents displays with slow updates (e.g. E-paper) from delaying key scanning and other processes. If enabled, the following options configure the thread: | Config | Type | Description | Default | | ------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ---------------------------- | ------- | | `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_DEDICATED_THREAD_STACK_SIZE` | int | Stack size for the UI thread | 2048 | | `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_DEDICATED_THREAD_PRIORITY` | int | Priority for the UI thread | 5 | You must also configure the driver for your display. ZMK provides the following display drivers: - [IL0323](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/drivers/display/Kconfig.il0323) Zephyr provides several display drivers as well. Search for the name of your display in [Zephyr's Kconfig options](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/kconfig.html) documentation. ## Devicetree See the Devicetree bindings for your display. Here are the bindings for common displays: - [IL0323](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/dts/bindings/display/gooddisplay%2Cil0323.yaml) - [SSD1306 (i2c)](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/build/dts/api/bindings/display/solomon,ssd1306fb-i2c.html) - [SSD1306 (spi)](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/build/dts/api/bindings/display/solomon,ssd1306fb-spi.html) A full list of drivers provided by Zephyr can be found in [Zephyr's Devicetree bindings index](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/build/dts/api/bindings.html).