#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2020 The ZMK Contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT set -e check_exists() { command_to_run=$1 error_message=$2 local __resultvar=$3 if ! eval "$command_to_run" &> /dev/null; then if [[ "$__resultvar" != "" ]]; then eval $__resultvar="'false'" else printf "%s\n" "$error_message" exit 1 fi else if [[ "$__resultvar" != "" ]]; then eval $__resultvar="'true'" fi fi } check_exists "command -v git" "git is not installed, and is required for this script!" check_exists "command -v curl" "curl is not installed, and is required for this script!" curl_exists check_exists "command -v wget" "wget is not installed, and is required for this script!" wget_exists check_exists "git config user.name" "Git username not set!\nRun: git config --global user.name 'My Name'" check_exists "git config user.email" "Git email not set!\nRun: git config --global user.email 'example@myemail.com'" # Check to see if the user has write permissions in this directory to prevent a cryptic error later on if [ ! -w `pwd` ]; then echo 'Sorry, you do not have write permissions in this directory.'; echo 'Please try running this script again from a directory that you do have write permissions for.'; exit 1 fi # Parse all commandline options while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -w|--wget) force_wget="true"; break;; *) echo "Unknown parameter: $1"; exit 1;; esac shift done if [[ $curl_exists == "true" && $wget_exists == "true" ]]; then if [[ $force_wget == "true" ]]; then download_command="wget " else download_command="curl -O " fi elif [[ $curl_exists == "true" ]]; then download_command="curl -O " elif [[ $wget_exists == "true" ]]; then download_command="wget " else echo 'Neither curl nor wget are installed. One of the two is required for this script!' exit 1 fi repo_path="https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk-config-split-template.git" title="ZMK Config Setup:" prompt="Pick an MCU board:" options=("nice!nano" "QMK Proton-C" "BlueMicro840 (v1)" "makerdiary nRF52840 M.2") echo "$title" echo "" echo "MCU Board Selection:" PS3="$prompt " select opt in "${options[@]}" "Quit"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 ) board="nice_nano"; break;; 2 ) board="proton_c"; break;; 3 ) board="bluemicro840_v1"; break;; 3 ) board="nrf52840_m2"; break;; $(( ${#options[@]}+1 )) ) echo "Goodbye!"; exit 1;; *) echo "Invalid option. Try another one."; continue;; esac done echo "" echo "Keyboard Shield Selection:" prompt="Pick an keyboard:" options=("Kyria" "Lily58" "Corne" "Splitreus62" "Sofle" "Iris" "Reviung41" "RoMac" "RoMac+" "makerdiary M60" "Microdox" "TG4X" "QAZ") PS3="$prompt " # TODO: Add support for "Other" and linking to docs on adding custom shields in user config repos. # select opt in "${options[@]}" "Other" "Quit"; do select opt in "${options[@]}" "Quit"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 ) shield_title="Kyria" shield="kyria"; split="y"; break;; 2 ) shield_title="Lily58" shield="lily58"; split="y"; break;; 3 ) shield_title="Corne" shield="corne"; split="y"; break;; 4 ) shield_title="Splitreus62" shield="splitreus62"; split="y"; break;; 5 ) shield_title="Sofle" shield="sofle"; split="y"; break;; 6 ) shield_title="Iris" shield="iris"; split="y"; break;; 7 ) shield_title="Reviung41" shield="reviung41"; split="n"; break;; 8 ) shield_title="RoMac" shield="romac"; split="n"; break;; 9 ) shield_title="RoMac+" shield="romac_plus"; split="n"; break;; 10 ) shield_title="M60" shield="m60"; split="n"; break;; 11 ) shield_title="Microdox" shield="microdox"; split="y"; break;; 12 ) shield_title="TG4X" shield="tg4x"; split="n"; break;; 13 ) shield_title="QAZ" shield="qaz"; split="n"; break;; # Add link to docs on adding your own custom shield in your ZMK config! # $(( ${#options[@]}+1 )) ) echo "Other!"; break;; $(( ${#options[@]}+1 )) ) echo "Goodbye!"; exit 1;; *) echo "Invalid option. Try another one.";continue;; esac done if [ "$split" == "n" ]; then repo_path="https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk-config-template.git" fi read -r -e -p "Copy in the stock keymap for customization? [Yn]: " copy_keymap if [ -z "$copy_keymap" ] || [ "$copy_keymap" == "Y" ] || [ "$copy_keymap" == "y" ]; then copy_keymap="yes"; fi read -r -e -p "GitHub Username (leave empty to skip GitHub repo creation): " github_user if [ -n "$github_user" ]; then read -r -p "GitHub Repo Name [zmk-config]: " repo_name if [ -z "$repo_name" ]; then repo_name="zmk-config"; fi read -r -p "GitHub Repo [https://github.com/${github_user}/${repo_name}.git]: " github_repo if [ -z "$github_repo" ]; then github_repo="https://github.com/${github_user}/${repo_name}.git"; fi else repo_name="zmk-config" fi echo "" echo "Preparing a user config for:" echo "* MCU Board: ${board}" echo "* Shield: ${shield}" if [ "$copy_keymap" == "yes" ]; then echo "* Copy Keymap?: ✓" else echo "* Copy Keymap?: ❌" fi if [ -n "$github_repo" ]; then echo "* GitHub Repo To Push (please create this in GH first!): ${github_repo}" fi echo "" read -r -p "Continue? [Yn]: " do_it if [ -n "$do_it" ] && [ "$do_it" != "y" ] && [ "$do_it" != "Y" ]; then echo "Aborting..." exit 1 fi git clone --single-branch $repo_path ${repo_name} cd ${repo_name} pushd config $download_command "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/main/app/boards/shields/${shield}/${shield}.conf" if [ "$copy_keymap" == "yes" ]; then $download_command "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/main/app/boards/shields/${shield}/${shield}.keymap" fi popd sed -i'.orig' \ -e "s/BOARD_NAME/$board/" \ -e "s/SHIELD_NAME/$shield/" \ -e "s/KEYBOARD_TITLE/$shield_title/" \ .github/workflows/build.yml if [ "$board" == "proton_c" ]; then # Proton-C board still fa sed -i'.orig' -e "s/uf2/hex/g" .github/workflows/build.yml fi rm .github/workflows/*.yml.orig rm -rf .git git init . git add . git commit -m "Initial User Config." if [ -n "$github_repo" ]; then git remote add origin "$github_repo" git push --set-upstream origin "$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)" push_return_code=$? # If push failed, assume that the origin was incorrect and give instructions on fixing. if [ ${push_return_code} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Remote repository $github_repo not found..." echo "Check GitHub URL, and try adding again." echo "Run the following: " echo " git remote rm origin" echo " git remote add origin FIXED_URL" echo " git push --set-upstream origin $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)" echo "Once pushed, your firmware should be availalbe from GitHub Actions at: ${github_repo%.git}/actions" exit 1 fi # TODO: Support determing the actions URL when non-https:// repo URL is used. if [ "${github_repo}" != "${github_repo#https://}" ]; then echo "Your firmware should be available from GitHub Actions shortly: ${github_repo%.git}/actions" fi fi