import Parser from "web-tree-sitter"; import { Codes, Behaviors } from "./data/keymap-upgrade"; let Devicetree; export async function initParser() { await Parser.init(); Devicetree = await Parser.Language.load("/tree-sitter-devicetree.wasm"); } function createParser() { if (!Devicetree) { throw new Error("Parser not loaded. Call initParser() first."); } const parser = new Parser(); parser.setLanguage(Devicetree); return parser; } export function upgradeKeymap(text) { const parser = createParser(); const tree = parser.parse(text); const edits = [...upgradeBehaviors(tree), ...upgradeKeycodes(tree)]; return applyEdits(text, edits); } class TextEdit { /** * Creates a text edit to replace a range or node with new text. * Construct with one of: * * * `Edit(startIndex, endIndex, newText)` * * `Edit(node, newText)` */ constructor(startIndex, endIndex, newText) { if (typeof startIndex !== "number") { const node = startIndex; newText = endIndex; startIndex = node.startIndex; endIndex = node.endIndex; } /** @type number */ this.startIndex = startIndex; /** @type number */ this.endIndex = endIndex; /** @type string */ this.newText = newText; } } /** * Upgrades deprecated behavior references. * @param {Parser.Tree} tree */ function upgradeBehaviors(tree) { /** @type TextEdit[] */ let edits = []; const query = Devicetree.query("(reference label: (identifier) @ref)"); const matches = query.matches(tree.rootNode); for (const { captures } of matches) { const node = findCapture("ref", captures); if (node) { edits.push(...getUpgradeEdits(node, Behaviors)); } } return edits; } /** * Upgrades deprecated key code identifiers. * @param {Parser.Tree} tree */ function upgradeKeycodes(tree) { /** @type TextEdit[] */ let edits = []; // No need to filter to the bindings array. The C preprocessor would have // replaced identifiers anywhere, so upgrading all identifiers preserves the // original behavior of the keymap (even if that behavior wasn't intended). const query = Devicetree.query("(identifier) @name"); const matches = query.matches(tree.rootNode); for (const { captures } of matches) { const node = findCapture("name", captures); if (node) { edits.push(...getUpgradeEdits(node, Codes, keycodeReplaceHandler)); } } return edits; } /** * @param {Parser.SyntaxNode} node * @param {string | null} replacement * @returns TextEdit[] */ function keycodeReplaceHandler(node, replacement) { if (replacement) { return [new TextEdit(node, replacement)]; } const nodes = findBehaviorNodes(node); if (nodes.length === 0) { console.warn( `Found deprecated code "${node.text}" but it is not a parameter to a behavior` ); return [new TextEdit(node, `/* "${node.text}" no longer exists */`)]; } const oldText = => n.text).join(" "); const newText = `&none /* "${oldText}" no longer exists */`; const startIndex = nodes[0].startIndex; const endIndex = nodes[nodes.length - 1].endIndex; return [new TextEdit(startIndex, endIndex, newText)]; } /** * Returns the node for the named capture. * @param {string} name * @param {any[]} captures * @returns {Parser.SyntaxNode | null} */ function findCapture(name, captures) { for (const c of captures) { if ( === name) { return c.node; } } return null; } /** * Given a parameter to a keymap behavior, returns a list of nodes beginning * with the behavior and including all parameters. * Returns an empty array if no behavior was found. * @param {Parser.SyntaxNode} paramNode */ function findBehaviorNodes(paramNode) { // Walk backwards from the given parameter to find the behavior reference. let behavior = paramNode.previousNamedSibling; while (behavior && behavior.type !== "reference") { behavior = behavior.previousNamedSibling; } if (!behavior) { return []; } // Walk forward from the behavior to collect all its parameters. let nodes = [behavior]; let param = behavior.nextNamedSibling; while (param && param.type !== "reference") { nodes.push(param); param = param.nextNamedSibling; } return nodes; } /** * Gets a list of text edits to apply based on a node and a map of text * replacements. * * If replaceHandler is given, it will be called if the node matches a * deprecated value and it should return the text edits to apply. * * @param {Parser.SyntaxNode} node * @param {Map} replacementMap * @param {(node: Parser.SyntaxNode, replacement: string | null) => TextEdit[]} replaceHandler */ function getUpgradeEdits(node, replacementMap, replaceHandler = undefined) { for (const [deprecated, replacement] of Object.entries(replacementMap)) { if (node.text === deprecated) { if (replaceHandler) { return replaceHandler(node, replacement); } else { return [new TextEdit(node, replacement)]; } } } return []; } /** * Sorts a list of text edits in ascending order by position. * @param {TextEdit[]} edits */ function sortEdits(edits) { return edits.sort((a, b) => a.startIndex - b.startIndex); } /** * Returns a string with text replacements applied. * @param {string} text * @param {TextEdit[]} edits */ function applyEdits(text, edits) { edits = sortEdits(edits); /** @type string[] */ const chunks = []; let currentIndex = 0; for (const edit of edits) { if (edit.startIndex < currentIndex) { console.warn("discarding overlapping edit", edit); continue; } chunks.push(text.substring(currentIndex, edit.startIndex)); chunks.push(edit.newText); currentIndex = edit.endIndex; } chunks.push(text.substring(currentIndex)); return chunks.join(""); }