--- title: "Zephyr 3.0 Update Preparation" author: Pete Johanson author_title: Project Creator author_url: https://gitlab.com/petejohanson author_image_url: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2001ceff7e9dc753cf96fcb2e6f41110 tags: [firmware, zephyr, core] --- As preparation for completing the [work](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/pull/1143) to upgrade ZMK to [Zephyr 3.0](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.0.0/releases/release-notes-3.0.html), users with user config repositories who wish to avoid future build failures with their GitHub Actions workflows can take steps to adjust their repositories now. GitHub Actions needs to use our latest Docker image to ensure continued compatibility with the ZMK codebase on Zephyr 3.0 (and beyond). You should: - Open `.github/workflows/build.yml` in your editor/IDE - Change `zmkfirmware/zmk-build-arm:2.5` to `zmkfirmware/zmk-build-arm:stable` wherever it is found Once the changes are committed and pushed, the build will run as expected. A future blog post will outline the complete Zephyr 3.0 changes once that work is finalized. :::note If you created your user config repository a while ago, you may find that your `build.yml` file instead references a `zephyr-west-action-arm` custom GitHub Action instead. In this case, the upgrade is not as direct. We suggest that instead you [re-create your config repository](/docs/user-setup) to get an updated setup using the new automation approach. :::