2024-10-18 17:13:09 +11:00

58 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import statistics
from pyfroniusreg import gen24_registers
from pyfroniusreg.froniusreg import RegisterReadError
from datetime import datetime
from pymodbus.client.tcp import ModbusTcpClient
fronius1 = ModbusTcpClient("", port=502, timeout=10)
current_time =
soc_percent = gen24_registers.scaledChaState.get(fronius1)
total_wh = gen24_registers.scaledWHRtg.get(fronius1)
charge_data = []
discharge_data = []
print("Gathering 5 second average of battery power")
while( ( - current_time).seconds < 5):
avg_charge = statistics.mean(charge_data)
avg_discharge = statistics.mean(discharge_data)
print(" Charge: %.2f" % avg_charge)
print("DisCharge: %.2f" % avg_discharge)
print(" SoC: %.2f" % soc_percent)
print("Total WH: %.2f" % total_wh)
wh_remain = (soc_percent / 100.0) * total_wh
h_estim = wh_remain - (avg_charge - avg_discharge)
h_estpct = (h_estim / total_wh) * 100
print("WH remain: %.2f" % wh_remain)
print("1h est WH: %.2f" % h_estim)
print("1hr est %%: %.2f" % h_estpct)
time_check = (current_time.hour == 9 or current_time.hour == 15)
estimate_check = (h_estpct < 18.0)
if (time_check and estimate_check):
print("Full BEEEEEAAAAANS!")
print("Nothing doing")
# Logic of this is:
# If it's 05:00 and battery SoC will be < 18% at 07:00: charge at full beans for 1 hour
# if it's 15:00 and battery SoC will be < 25% at 16:00: charge at full beans for 1 hour