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2024-10-07 08:38:05 +11:00
# Copyright notes: this script was initially made public by user MobusTest in
# This client re-uses all the modbus protocoll implementation and data conversion from the original work.
# The client provides an easy way to explore modbus registers on a Fronius inverter
# This software is provided "as is" without any guarantee
# Subsequently this was modified to implement a target charging mode
# The idea is that at some specified time before a peak pricing period
# this script is run to see if the system can make it through the peak
# period on battery alone.
# This involes
# * obtaining the curent SOC
# * obtaining the last hour's discharge rate
# * calculating if we'll stay above a set SOC%
# * set the battery system to charge if we won't
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# general imports
import datetime
# >>> To install 'pymodbus' you have to execute the following linux command: pip3 install pymodbus
# imports for Modbus
from pymodbus.constants import Endian
from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadDecoder
from pymodbus.client.tcp import ModbusTcpClient as ModbusClient
from pymodbus.diag_message import *
from pymodbus.file_message import *
from pymodbus.other_message import *
from pymodbus.mei_message import *
#from pymodbus.compat import iteritems
# imports for using enumerations
from enum import Enum
# enumeration by using a class. value of the enum ( 1-8 ) is irrelevant!
# use the method getRegisterLength() instead
class DataType(Enum):
String8 = 1
String16 = 2
String32 = 3
Int16 = 4
UInt16 = 5
Int32 = 6
UInt32 = 7
Float32 = 8
UInt64 = 7
# Returns the length (amount) of the registers.
# This corresponds to the value from the Fronius Excel list (column "Size").
# This refers to how many registers the Mobus function read_holding_registers() must read to get the complete value
def getRegisterLength(self):
if (self == DataType.String8) or (self == DataType.UInt64):
return int(4)
elif (self == DataType.String16):
return int(8)
elif (self == DataType.String32):
return int(16)
elif (self == DataType.Int16) or (self == DataType.UInt16):
return int(1)
elif (self == DataType.Int32) or (self == DataType.UInt32) or (self == DataType.Float32):
return int(2)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ private ]---
# | The Main Entry Point |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
#print ("Current Time: " +'%H:%M:%S'))
# Open a new Modbus connection to the fronius inverter (e.g. Symo 10.3)
modbusClient = ModbusClient("", port=502, timeout=10)
# The modbus addresses of the registers are documented in the following lists:
# - Inverter_Register_Map_Float_v1.0_with_SYMOHYBRID_MODEL_124.xlsx
# - Meter_Register_Map_Float_v1.0.xlsx
# Goto: and search for "Modbus Sunspec Maps, State Codes und Events"
# Downloads the hole ZIP package and enjoy the documentation ;-)
# Gen 24 specific:
# Gen24_Primo_Symo_Inverter_Register_Map_Float_storage.xlsx
# go to
# search for "GEN24 modbus" to find GEN24 related modbus documentation (register addresses are provided in the .zip file)
# Note: In this script you have to specify a data type when calling the method getRegisterValue(). This corresponds
# to the value from the Fronius Excel list (column "Type").
# The optional parameter "unitNo" of method getRegisterValue() is used to specify from which device the
# data is to be read. The default value is 1 which corresponds to the inverter.
# If you want to read data from the SmartMeter, 240 must be used instead.
# to use this script, adapt and enhance the following list with tuples, containing the follwing information
# the MODBUSUNITNUMBER is commonly 1 for the inverter and a user defined value for the primary smart meter (common values are 200 or 240)
print ("Register Overview:")
reg_map = (
[40092, DataType.Float32, 1], # Inverter AC Output in W
[40285, DataType.UInt16, 1], # PV String 1 Output in W (scaled)
[40305, DataType.UInt16, 1], # PV String 2 Output in W (scaled)
[40267, DataType.Int16, 1], # DC Scaling Factor
[40361, DataType.UInt16, 1], # Battery SoC in % (scaled, SF -2)
[40325, DataType.UInt16, 1], # Energy To Battery in W (scaled, charging)
[40327, DataType.UInt16, 1], # CHG Percent? as per mqtt-fronius
[40345, DataType.UInt16, 1], # Energy From Battery in W (scaled, discharging)
[40098, DataType.Float32, 200], # Energy to/from grid (smart meter, positive values: consumption)
# for reg in reg_map:
# tmp_reg = getRegisterValue(modbusClient, reg[0], reg[1], reg[2])
# print ("Register " + str(reg[0]) + ": " + str(tmp_reg))
target_map = {
"soc": [40362, DataType.UInt16, 1, "SoC %"],
"socSF": [40376, DataType.Int16, 1, "Battery SOC Scaling Factor"],
"to_bat": [40325, DataType.UInt16, 1, "cW to Battery"],
"from_bat": [40345, DataType.UInt16, 1, "cW from Battery"],
"DCSF": [40267, DataType.Int16, 1, "DC scaling factor"],
"PWSF": [40268, DataType.Int16, 1, "Power Scaling Factor"]
soc = getRegisterValue(modbusClient,
socSF = getRegisterValue(modbusClient,
print(" SoC: " + str(soc))
print("SoCSF: " + str(socSF))
print(" SoC: %.2f %%" % (float(soc * 10 ** socSF)))
PWSF = getRegisterValue(modbusClient,
print(" PWSF: " + str(PWSF))
to_bat = getRegisterValue(modbusClient,
print("To Bat: " + str(to_bat))
print("To Bat: %.2f" % (to_bat * 10 ** (int(PWSF))))
from_bat = getRegisterValue(modbusClient,
print("Fr Bat: " + str(from_bat * 10 ** (int(PWSF))))
num_avgs = 5
count = 1
while count < num_avgs:
print("To AVG: " + str(get_avg_scaled(modbusClient, target_map["to_bat"], target_map["PWSF"])))
print("Fr AVG: " + str(get_avg_scaled(modbusClient, target_map["from_bat"], target_map["PWSF"])))
count += 1
# ---
# ---[ private ]---
def get_avg_scaled(modbusClient, reg, sfreg, points=50):
local_data = []
count = 0
while ( count < points):
modbusClient, reg[0], reg[1], reg[2]) * 10 ** getRegisterValue(
modbusClient, sfreg[0], sfreg[1], sfreg[2]))
count += 1
return sum(local_data) / len(local_data)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ private ]---
# | Gets a value from the inverter |
# | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# | Input parameters: |
# | -> device ModbusClient An open connection to the modbus device (inverter or smartmeter) |
# | -> address INT The starting address to read from |
# | -> dataType DataType The DataType of registers to read |
# | -> humidity INT The slave unit this request is targeting |
# | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# | Return value: |
# | <- result STRING Value of the defined address |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def getRegisterValue(device, address, dataType, unitNo=1):
#print (" Adr: " + str(address) + " Name: " +
# Now we can read the data of the register with a Modbus function
# In the fronius documentation it is described that you have to subtract 1 from the actual address.
result = device.read_holding_registers(address-1, dataType.getRegisterLength(), slave=unitNo)
if (result.isError()) :
return "n.a."
#print (" value: " + str(result.registers))
# The values from Modbus must now be reformatted accordingly
# How to do this reformatting depends on the DataType
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(result.registers, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Big)
if (dataType == DataType.String8) or (dataType == DataType.String16) or (dataType == DataType.String32):
return str(decoder.decode_string(16).decode('utf-8'))
elif (dataType == DataType.Int16):
return decoder.decode_16bit_int()
elif (dataType == DataType.UInt16):
return decoder.decode_16bit_uint()
elif (dataType == DataType.Int32):
return decoder.decode_32bit_int()
elif (dataType == DataType.UInt32):
return decoder.decode_32bit_uint()
elif (dataType == DataType.Float32):
return decoder.decode_32bit_float()
return str(decoder.decode_bits())
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ private ]---
# | Formats the given nuber (powerValue) into a well-formed and readable text |
# | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# | Input parameters: |
# | -> powerValue FLOAT The value to format |
# | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# | Return value: |
# | <- formatedText STRING A well-formed and readable text containing the powerValue |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def formatPowerText(powerValue):
formatedText = ""
# Over 1000 'kilo Watt' will be displayed instead of 'Watt'
if abs(powerValue) > 1000:
formatedText = "{0} kW".format(str('{:0.2f}'.format(powerValue / 1000))).replace('.', ',')
formatedText = "{0} W".format(str('{:.0f}'.format(powerValue))).replace('.', ',')
return formatedText
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# | Call the main function to start this script |
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~