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ESP8226 Arduino based ePaper clock, using NTP and showing the weather.
Using a Waveshare 4.3" UART module and an ESP8226 R1 Mini from Jaycar Australia, which is a D1 R1 in the Arduino program.
The ESP8266 doesn't really have enough RAM to be able to parse the XML available from the Autralian Bureau of Meteorology, so the bom_xml.py script does that and spits out some simplified json I've put that json on my home web server, and set the script to run hourly.
I've also put in bom_rrd2.py which uses the 'weather-au' library from pip and also pulls some current temperatures from some MQTT sensors I have around the house.
Required Arduino Libraries
Timezone: https://github.com/JChristensen/Timezone
NTPClient: https://github.com/arduino-libraries/NTPClient
AltSoftSerial https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/AltSoftSerial
ArduinoJson https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson.git
- WakeUp -> D7
- Reset - D8
- DOUT -> D5
- DIN -> D6
Creating Images for each digit
Use Images/create_images.py edit for font choice! The current images are in FreeMono.
Weather Icons
I have derived some from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Feel free to use those, or make some better ones!