#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; //extern crate rand; extern crate image; //extern crate tempfile; //use std::io; use rocket::Data; use rocket::response::content; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; #[get("/")] fn index() -> &'static str { " Usage POST / accepts image data in the body of the requests, returns the image with more entropy added to the least significant bits of each colour channel. EXMAPLE: curl --data-binary @file.jpg http://localhost:8000 " } #[post("/", data = "")] fn desteg(incoming_image: Data) -> image::DynamicImage { let image_buffer = image::load_from_memory(incoming_image.peek()).unwrap(); image_buffer } fn rocket() -> rocket::Rocket { let my_rocket = rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![index]); my_rocket } fn main() { rocket().launch(); }