from flask import Flask, request, send_file #import numpy from PIL import Image, ImageChops from io import BytesIO import numpy app = Flask(__name__) usage = """ Post image Data to /desteg and receive a copy of that image with the least significant bits XORed with system entropy Example: curl -H "Content-Type: application/png" --data-binary @image.png http://localhost:5002/desteg -o image_destegged.png """ @app.route("/desteg", methods=["GET"]) def get_desteg(): return usage @app.route("/desteg", methods=["POST"]) def post_desteg(): image_string = BytesIO( output_buffer = BytesIO() try: input_image = except IOError: # insert relevant error return here pass # Create an array the same size # Stuff it full of entropy if (input_image.mode == "RGBA"): entropy_array = numpy.random.rand( input_image.size[1], input_image.size[0], 4)*6 entropy_image = Image.fromarray( entropy_array.astype('uint8'), mode="RGBA") elif (input_image.mode == "RGB"): entropy_array = numpy.random.rand( input_image.size[1], input_image.size[0], 3)*6 entropy_image = Image.fromarray( entropy_array.astype('uint8'), mode="RGB") else: # Insert relevant error return here pass # Add the entropy to input output_image = ImageChops.add(input_image, entropy_image) # save with same format as output,format=input_image.format) #return buffer to start! return send_file(output_buffer, mimetype="image/" + input_image.format.lower()) @app.route("/") def root(): return usage if __name__ == '__main__':'5002')