
204 lines
6.6 KiB

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Crc32TestMultithreaded.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2019 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved.
// see
#include "Crc32.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// C++11 multithreading
#include <thread>
#include <future>
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// test code
/// one gigabyte
const size_t NumBytes = 1024*1024*1024;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#include <windows.h>
#include <ctime>
// timing
static double seconds()
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
LARGE_INTEGER frequency, now;
QueryPerformanceCounter (&now);
return now.QuadPart / double(frequency.QuadPart);
timespec now;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
return now.tv_sec + now.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// run a CRC32 algorithm on multiple threads
typedef uint32_t (*Crc32Algorithm)(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32);
// compute CRC32 of up to maxBlockSize bytes and start recursively a new thread for excess data
uint32_t asyncCrc32(Crc32Algorithm myCrc32, const void* data, size_t numBytes, size_t maxBlockSize)
// last block ?
if (numBytes <= maxBlockSize)
return myCrc32(data, numBytes, 0); // we're done
// compute CRC of the remaining bytes in a separate thread
auto dataLeft = (const char*)data + maxBlockSize;
auto bytesLeft = numBytes - maxBlockSize;
auto remainder = std::async(std::launch::async, asyncCrc32, myCrc32, dataLeft, bytesLeft, maxBlockSize);
// compute CRC of the current block
auto currentCrc = myCrc32(data, maxBlockSize, 0);
// get CRC of the remainder
auto remainderCrc = remainder.get();
// and merge both
return crc32_combine(currentCrc, remainderCrc, bytesLeft);
// call: run(crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, 8) if you have an octocore CPU
uint32_t run(Crc32Algorithm myCrc32, const void* data, size_t numBytes, size_t numThreads = 0)
// run on all cores
if (numThreads == 0)
numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
// split data evenly, rounding up
auto defaultBlocksize = (numBytes + numThreads - 1) / numThreads;
return asyncCrc32(myCrc32, data, numBytes, defaultBlocksize);
// test original sequential CRC32 algorithm against crc32_combine
bool testCombine(const char* data, size_t maxBytes = 1024)
bool ok = true;
for (size_t lengthA = 1; lengthA < maxBytes; lengthA++)
// split bytes into two blocks of lengthA and lengthB
auto lengthB = maxBytes - lengthA;
// compute CRC of both blocks
auto crcA = crc32_1byte(data, lengthA);
auto crcB = crc32_1byte(data + lengthA, lengthB);
// CRC of the whole block
auto crcAtOnce = crc32_1byte(data, maxBytes);
// CRC of both blocks in a sequential fashion
auto crcSequential = crc32_1byte(data + lengthA, lengthB, crcA);
// CRC using the new crc32_combine function
auto crcCombined = crc32_combine(crcA, crcB, lengthB);
// check results
if (crcAtOnce != crcSequential || crcAtOnce != crcCombined)
printf("FAILED @ %d: %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X\n", lengthA, crcA, crcB, crcAtOnce, crcSequential, crcCombined);
ok = false;
return ok;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printf("Please wait ...\n");
uint32_t randomNumber = 0x27121978;
// initialize
char* data = new char[NumBytes];
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++)
data[i] = char(randomNumber & 0xFF);
// simple LCG, see
randomNumber = 1664525 * randomNumber + 1013904223;
// re-use variables
double startTime, duration;
uint32_t crc;
std::vector<std::future<uint32_t>> futures;
// number of threads: use all cores by default or set number as command-line parameter
auto numThreads = 0;
if (argc == 2)
numThreads = std::stoi(argv[1]);
if (numThreads <= 0)
numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
printf("use %d threads:\n", numThreads);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// one byte at once
startTime = seconds();
crc = run(crc32_1byte, data, NumBytes, numThreads);
duration = seconds() - startTime;
printf(" 1 byte at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n",
numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration);
// four bytes at once
startTime = seconds();
crc = run(crc32_4bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads);
duration = seconds() - startTime;
printf(" 4 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n",
numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration);
// eight bytes at once
startTime = seconds();
crc = run(crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads);
duration = seconds() - startTime;
printf(" 8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n",
numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration);
// eight bytes at once, unrolled 4 times (=> 32 bytes per loop)
startTime = seconds();
crc = run(crc32_4x8bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads);
duration = seconds() - startTime;
printf("4x8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n",
numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration);
// sixteen bytes at once
startTime = seconds();
crc = run(crc32_16bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads);
duration = seconds() - startTime;
printf(" 16 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n",
numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// slowly increment number of threads to determine scalability
printf("run slicing-by-8 algorithm with 1 to %d threads:\n", numThreads);
for (auto scaleThreads = 1; scaleThreads <= numThreads; scaleThreads++)
// eight bytes at once
startTime = seconds();
if (scaleThreads == 1)
crc = crc32_8bytes (data, NumBytes); // single-threaded
crc = run(crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, scaleThreads); // multi-threaded
duration = seconds() - startTime;
printf(" 8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n",
scaleThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// verify crc32_combine
if (!testCombine(data, 1024))
printf("ERROR in crc32_combine !!!\n");
delete[] data;
return 0;