# PiPHL Haptic Passive Learning of Morse for the Raspberry Pi # Objectives This project aims to assist with learning morse code via a raspberryPi with a haptic motor and some headphones. Using techniques from the Haptic Passive Learning experiments run by the Georgia Institue of Technology. [Their Paper](http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2971768) # TODO - [X] talk to motor controller - [X] record/find audio - [X] document hardware choices - [X] python library for motor controller - [ ] python async audio playing - [ ] generate sequences on the fly # Hardware * RaspberryPi * [Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Motor Controller](https://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/products/adafruit-drv2605l-haptic-motor-controller) * [Adafruit Vibrating Mini Motor Disc](https://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/products/vibrating-mini-motor-disc) Links are to my local(ish) retailer of Adafruit goodness. # Credits * Audio from: https://evolution.voxeo.com/tools/ under LGPL license. * DRV2605 python code from: https://github.com/spmealin/pyAdafruit_DRV2605 with changes by me to support the new adafruit_gpio Python packages.