Michael Colton 7b1da77c21 Haven't committed in a while :o . Currently waterfall is disabled while I work on audio processing. I am capturing, FFT, filter, IFFT, and output. It seems to be working partly. I don't think I am doing things right yet.
Also, starting to implement the menu system. Oh, and fixed some indentation, so it looks like there was more changed to main() than there really was....
2014-07-06 21:20:00 -06:00

177 lines
5 KiB

/* hal.h
#ifndef HAL_H_
#define HAL_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//#include <stm32f10x.h>
#include <stm32f415xx.h>
#include <stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.h>
// #include <stm32f10x_gpio.h>
// #include <uart.h>
typedef struct _Gpio_Pin
GPIO_TypeDef* port;
uint16_t pin;
} Gpio_Pin;
// a timer with which channel of the timer specified
typedef struct _Timer_Channel
uint8_t channel;
TIM_TypeDef* timer;
} Timer_Channel;
// a Timer_Pin is a gpio pin that is connected to an internal timer
typedef struct _Timer_Pin
Gpio_Pin gpioPin;
Timer_Channel timer;
} Timer_Pin;
typedef void (*hal_sysTickCallback)(void);
// hal wrappers for GPIO
// gpioPin must be a Gpio_Pin struct
// val must be either a 0 or a 1
#define hal_writeGpio(gpioPin, val) (GPIO_WriteBit((gpioPin).port, (gpioPin).pin, (val))) // returns void
#define hal_readGpio(gpioPin) (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit((gpioPin).port, (gpioPin).pin)) // returns uint8_t
// // power macros
// #define hal_isPlugged(powerState) (!((powerState) & hal_externalPower))
// gpio pins
// extern const Gpio_Pin RX_TO_GSM;
// extern const Gpio_Pin TX_FROM_GSM;
// extern const Gpio_Pin FINGER_PRINT_POWER;
// extern const Gpio_Pin USER_BUTTON;
// extern const Gpio_Pin FPR_RX;
// extern const Gpio_Pin FPR_TX;
// extern const Gpio_Pin BUZZER;
// extern const Gpio_Pin RFID_INT;
// extern const Gpio_Pin FINGER_PRINT_BUTTON;
extern const Gpio_Pin LCD_NSS;
// extern const Gpio_Pin LOW_BAT;
// extern const Gpio_Pin RX_TO_GPS;
// extern const Gpio_Pin TX_FROM_GPS;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GPS_RESET;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GPS_FIX_LED;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GPS_PPS;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI1_SCK;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI1_MISO;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI1_MOSI;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI2_SCK;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI2_MISO;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI2_MOSI;
extern const Gpio_Pin LCD_RESET;
extern const Gpio_Pin LCD_DC;
extern const Gpio_Pin ADC_1;
extern const Gpio_Pin ADC_2;
// extern const Gpio_Pin OLED_RESET;
// extern const Gpio_Pin OLED_DC;
// extern const Gpio_Pin OLED_NSS;
extern const Gpio_Pin ddsReset;
extern const Gpio_Pin ddsSleep;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds1Mosi;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds1Nss;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds1Sck;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds2Mosi;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds2Nss;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds2Sck;
extern const Gpio_Pin encoderA;
extern const Gpio_Pin encoderB;
extern const Gpio_Pin encoderP;
extern const Gpio_Pin dac1;
extern const Gpio_Pin dac2;
// extern const Gpio_Pin NC_1;
// extern const Gpio_Pin DAC_SWITCHES;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GSM_PWRKEY;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GSM_STATUS;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GSM_NRST;
// extern const Gpio_Pin SERVO_PWR;
// extern const Gpio_Pin CHARGE_STATUS2;
// extern const Gpio_Pin POWER_GOOD;
// extern const Gpio_Pin POWER_SWITCH;
// extern const Gpio_Pin ACCEL_NSS;
// timer pins
// extern const Timer_Pin LED_G;
// extern const Timer_Pin LED_R;
// extern const Timer_Pin LED_B;
// extern const Timer_Pin SERVO1;
// extern const Timer_Pin SERVO2;
extern inline bool hal_checkTimeout(uint32_t startTime_ms, uint32_t interval_ms);
// returns true if the interval has timed out
int hal_acquireSemaphore(uint8_t sem);
void hal_releaseSemaphore(uint8_t sem);
void hal_getBatteryVoltage(float* battVoltage);
// reads power voltage level
void hal_delay_ms(uint32_t ms);
// busy wait for ms milliseconds
void hal_setupPins(void);
// Setup gpio pins and timer pins.
void hal_timerSetCompare(const Timer_Channel* timer, uint16_t value);
// set the timer compare register for timer
void hal_setupTimers(void);
// Setup TIM3 and TIM4 for controlling the LEDs and Servos
uint32_t hal_getCurrentTime_ms(void);
// get the current system millisecond count
void hal_setupUart1(void);
// setup usart 1 and its pins
void hal_setupUart2(void);
// setup usart 2 and its pins
void hal_setupUart3(unsigned int baudRate);
// setup usart 3 and its pins
void hal_resetUart1(void);
// resets usart 1 and its pins
void hal_resetUart2(void);
// resets usart 2 and its pins
void hal_resetUart3(void);
// resets usart 3 and its pins
void hal_adcConfigure(void);
// configure and enable used ADC(s)
uint16_t hal_readAdc1(uint8_t channel);
// read a value on a channel of ADC1
// returns value read
void hal_setSysTickCallback(hal_sysTickCallback callback);
//void hal_blinkLed(uint8_t led, uint8_t blinkCount, uint16_t onTime, uint16_t offTime);
// blink the given LED blinkCount times
#endif /* HAL_H_ */