1. Install the GNU Tools ARM Embedded. Add bin (not arm-none-eabi/bin) to path?
2. Navigate to firmware directory in shell and execute: make
3. Use whatever editor you want for the files
For eclipse:
1. File->New->Project...
2. C/C++->Makefule Project with Existing Code, "Next"
3. Browse to the root directory of the PSDR firmware
4. I have been selecting "Cross ARM GCC" not sure if that's needed. "Next"
5. Right click on the project in the Project Explorer and select settings. In C/C++ Build, uncheck "Use default build command" and type "make" (or "make VERBOSE=1") without the quotes. Clock "OK"
6. Try to build the project: CTRL-B or Project Menu->Build-All or right click on the project->Build Project
7. TODO: Set up debugging. Fix all the error messages that come up.
For some reason this doesn't work for me unless I build it at least once from the command line. Also, if I do a make clean, I have to build from the command line. More to learn!