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/* hal.h
#ifndef HAL_H_
#define HAL_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//#include <stm32f10x.h>
#include <stm32f415xx.h>
#include <stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.h>
// #include <stm32f10x_gpio.h>
// #include <uart.h>
typedef struct _Gpio_Pin
GPIO_TypeDef* port;
uint16_t pin;
} Gpio_Pin;
// a timer with which channel of the timer specified
typedef struct _Timer_Channel
uint8_t channel;
TIM_TypeDef* timer;
} Timer_Channel;
// a Timer_Pin is a gpio pin that is connected to an internal timer
typedef struct _Timer_Pin
Gpio_Pin gpioPin;
Timer_Channel timer;
} Timer_Pin;
typedef void (*hal_sysTickCallback)(void);
// hal wrappers for GPIO
// gpioPin must be a Gpio_Pin struct
// val must be either a 0 or a 1
#define hal_writeGpio(gpioPin, val) (GPIO_WriteBit((gpioPin).port, (gpioPin).pin, (val))) // returns void
#define hal_readGpio(gpioPin) (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit((gpioPin).port, (gpioPin).pin)) // returns uint8_t
// // power macros
// #define hal_isPlugged(powerState) (!((powerState) & hal_externalPower))
// gpio pins
// extern const Gpio_Pin RX_TO_GSM;
// extern const Gpio_Pin TX_FROM_GSM;
// extern const Gpio_Pin FINGER_PRINT_POWER;
// extern const Gpio_Pin USER_BUTTON;
// extern const Gpio_Pin FPR_RX;
// extern const Gpio_Pin FPR_TX;
// extern const Gpio_Pin BUZZER;
// extern const Gpio_Pin RFID_INT;
// extern const Gpio_Pin FINGER_PRINT_BUTTON;
extern const Gpio_Pin LCD_NSS;
// extern const Gpio_Pin LOW_BAT;
// extern const Gpio_Pin RX_TO_GPS;
// extern const Gpio_Pin TX_FROM_GPS;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GPS_RESET;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GPS_FIX_LED;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GPS_PPS;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI1_SCK;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI1_MISO;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI1_MOSI;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI2_SCK;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI2_MISO;
extern const Gpio_Pin SPI2_MOSI;
extern const Gpio_Pin LCD_RESET;
extern const Gpio_Pin LCD_DC;
extern const Gpio_Pin ADC_1;
extern const Gpio_Pin ADC_2;
// extern const Gpio_Pin OLED_RESET;
// extern const Gpio_Pin OLED_DC;
// extern const Gpio_Pin OLED_NSS;
extern const Gpio_Pin ddsReset;
extern const Gpio_Pin ddsSleep;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds1Mosi;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds1Nss;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds1Sck;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds2Mosi;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds2Nss;
extern const Gpio_Pin dds2Sck;
extern const Gpio_Pin encoderA;
extern const Gpio_Pin encoderB;
extern const Gpio_Pin encoderP;
// extern const Gpio_Pin NC_1;
// extern const Gpio_Pin DAC_SWITCHES;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GSM_PWRKEY;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GSM_STATUS;
// extern const Gpio_Pin GSM_NRST;
// extern const Gpio_Pin SERVO_PWR;
// extern const Gpio_Pin CHARGE_STATUS2;
// extern const Gpio_Pin POWER_GOOD;
// extern const Gpio_Pin POWER_SWITCH;
// extern const Gpio_Pin ACCEL_NSS;
// timer pins
// extern const Timer_Pin LED_G;
// extern const Timer_Pin LED_R;
// extern const Timer_Pin LED_B;
// extern const Timer_Pin SERVO1;
// extern const Timer_Pin SERVO2;
extern inline bool hal_checkTimeout(uint32_t startTime_ms, uint32_t interval_ms);
// returns true if the interval has timed out
int hal_acquireSemaphore(uint8_t sem);
void hal_releaseSemaphore(uint8_t sem);
void hal_getBatteryVoltage(float* battVoltage);
// reads power voltage level
void hal_delay_ms(uint32_t ms);
// busy wait for ms milliseconds
void hal_setupPins(void);
// Setup gpio pins and timer pins.
void hal_timerSetCompare(const Timer_Channel* timer, uint16_t value);
// set the timer compare register for timer
void hal_setupTimers(void);
// Setup TIM3 and TIM4 for controlling the LEDs and Servos
uint32_t hal_getCurrentTime_ms(void);
// get the current system millisecond count
void hal_setupUart1(void);
// setup usart 1 and its pins
void hal_setupUart2(void);
// setup usart 2 and its pins
void hal_setupUart3(unsigned int baudRate);
// setup usart 3 and its pins
void hal_resetUart1(void);
// resets usart 1 and its pins
void hal_resetUart2(void);
// resets usart 2 and its pins
void hal_resetUart3(void);
// resets usart 3 and its pins
void hal_adcConfigure(void);
// configure and enable used ADC(s)
uint16_t hal_readAdc1(uint8_t channel);
// read a value on a channel of ADC1
// returns value read
void hal_setSysTickCallback(hal_sysTickCallback callback);
//void hal_blinkLed(uint8_t led, uint8_t blinkCount, uint16_t onTime, uint16_t offTime);
// blink the given LED blinkCount times
#endif /* HAL_H_ */